簡介:"MatsuThe worship of Matsu started in Meizhouyu in Putian, Fujian Province, and was first considered as a kind of witchcraft probably because of the stories about the life of Matsu. According to historical documents, Matsu was a female surnamed Lin from Putian. It is generally believed that she was born into a fisherman’s family. She was smart, sensible and fond of learning. With the ability to communicate with deities, she could tell the fortune of others and predict the weather. Along with a heart to serve others, she was respected by the locals and became a famous local fortuneteller.When the worship of Matsu gained increasing importance as times went by, her status was also raised in local literature and records, with a myth in her birth. According to the literature, Monian Mazu’s original name was immortalized at Shangmei Peak on the Double Ninth Day when she was twenty-eight. It is said that she often made her presence to help fishermen at sea after her ascendance. Therefore, people worshipped her to repay her help and made her a local deity. Born a witch that died as a deity, Monian became a belief spreading outside local areas as people began to spread words of her miracles. Gradually, Matsu became an important deity in the coastal areas in southern Fujian.媽祖 起源於福建莆田湄洲嶼的媽祖信仰,最初被認為是巫術,也許和媽祖的身世傳說有關。據史料記載,媽祖為「莆田林氏女」,一般認為她出身漁家,為平民之女,自幼聰慧,靈敏好學,具神通之術,能言人禍福,預測天象。加上熱心助人,受眾人尊敬,成為當地著名的占卜者。 媽祖 但隨著時代遞移,媽祖在信仰上的地位日漸提高後,民間的文獻紀錄也將其身世地位提升,成為降生神話。 根據記載,默娘二十八歲時得道,於九九重陽日登上湄峰羽化升天。據說她得道後仍時常顯聖,幫助海上漁民,眾人感念而祭拜,成為地方上的鄉土神祉。生前為巫,死後為神的默娘,由於其靈驗事蹟逐漸流傳開來,其信仰也開始向外傳播,演變成閩南海域上的重要海神。 "