御妻學校 馴悍秘訣 毫不掩飾的暴行 折磨和羞辱 無情的虐待 感情的磨練 對真實的否定 對理性的破壞 貶低到一個動物的層次 混淆認知 表象與真實 調馴的鷹犬 奴顏婢膝 俯首聽命 束之高閣 永久關閉停辦 The taming-school Tricks A piece of bluff brutality To torture and humiliate To ill-treat relentlessly Putting through the affective mill A denial of truth A destruction of the power of reason To reduce to the level of an animal Appearance and reality The trained hawk or dog Stooping obsequiously to the master's whistle Be put back firmly and squarely on the shelf Officially closed down for good