美國聯邦最高法院 吉姆.科若 隔離但平等 憲法修正案第十四條 增進有色人種全國聯合會 馬歇爾律師 華倫大法官 德瑞德.司考特控訴約翰.參德福特案 普列西控訴佛古森案 哈利.布利格斯控訴依利歐特案 布朗控訴投陴卡教育局案 Supreme Court of the United States Jim Crow Separate but equal Amendment XIII The Constitution of the United States Amendment XIV, The Constitution of the United States The Advancement of Colored People NACCP Attorney Thurgood Marshall Chief Justice Earl Warren Dred Scott V. John Sandford Plessy V. Ferguson Harry Briggs V. Elliot Brown V. School Board of Topeka Kansas