SubjectMatter:Pan-chen so-nam-drak-pa (pan chen bsod nams grags pa, 1478-1554) Distinguishing through Objections and Answers (Tsong-ka-pa's) "Differentiating the Interpretable and Definitive Meanings of All the Scriptures, The Essence of Eloquence": Garland of Blue Lotuses/ 福稱尊者對宗喀巴大師所著辨了不了義之辨明 -藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po brgal lan gyis rnam par 'byed pa utpa la'i phreng ba
Sect:dge lugs pa/Ge-lug-ba/Gelukpa/格魯
Keywords:drang nges legs bshad snying po/Treatise Differentiating the Interpretable and Definitive Meaning: The Essence of Eloquence/辨了不了義善說藏論; dgongs 'grel/Sutra Unraveling the Thought /Samdhinirmocana sutra/解深密經; blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa/Sutra Taught by Inexhaustible Intellect/Akshayamati Nirdesa Sutra/無盡慧經; ngo bo nyid rnam gsum/three natures/tri-svabhava/三性; yongs grub gyi mtshan nyid/the thoroughly established nature/parinispan nalaksna/圓成實性; gzhan dbang gi mtshan nyid/the other-powered nature/paritantral aksana/依他起性; kun btags kyi mtshan nyid/the imputational [imaginary] nature/ parikalpita laksana/遍計所執;kun gzhi/mind-basis-of-all/alayavijnana/阿賴耶識; byams mgon/Maitreya/彌勒; Asanga/無著; rnal 'byor spyod pa'i sa/Grounds of Yogic Practice/yogacaryabhami/瑜伽師地論; sems tsam /Mind Only/cittamatra/yogacara/唯識; no external objects;Consequence School/Prasangika/中觀應成派; Autonomy School/Svatantrika/中觀自續派;
Notes:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School"
Donator:Jeffrey Hopkins
Tape recorder and original provider:Jeffrey Hopkins
Medium:56: digital file
Quantity:1 File
FileSize:485,473 Kb
SampleRate:44.1 KHz
AudioBitRate:1,411 Kbps
Hopkins' archive
IsBasedOn:Tsong-ka-pa/s Treatise Differentiating the Interpretable and the Definitive: The Essence of Eloquence drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par phye ba'i bstan bcos legs bshad snying po
IsBasisFor:Jeffrey Hopkins, "Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism"…three vol
Location:Recording Location: University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Temporal:15-16th century
HolderName:Jeffrey Hopkins
AccessRestriction:nonprofit, for education and research
DigiCopyOwners:Jeffrey Hopkins | Dharma Drum Buddhist College