林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁131、192 &* 張聿光(西元一八八五-一九六八年),字鶴蒼頭,浙江紹興人。早年曾繪製布景,後從事美術教育,達四十餘年。畫風繼承任伯年,復吸收西畫技巧,形成自家面目。構圖多變化,不落陳套,有天真自然之趣。 此幅扇面作於民國二十四年(一九三五),為友人遊學歐洲,寫此贈行。以古擬今,畫法有素描之趣。 本冊為林宗毅林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Horseback Riding Chang Yü-kuang (1885-1968) Republican Period Chang Yü-kuang, style name Ho-t’sand-t’ou, was a native of Shao-hsing, Chekiang. In his early years he painted backdrops and later became a teacher of art for more than 40 years. His painting style followed that of Jen Po-nien, but he also absorbed Western painting techniques to create a style of his own. His compositions are varied and do not conform to any set convention, suggesting a sense of simplicity and naturalness. This fan was done in 1935 as a farewell gift for a friend going to Europe for study. Using the past to comment on the present, the painting method here has the quality of a drawing. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Messrs. Lin Tsung-i and Lin Ch’eng-tao.