林宗毅先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁32-37、116-117&*錢杜(一七六四-一八四五或一七六三-一八四四),字叔美,號松壺小隱,浙江錢塘(今杭州)人。性閑曠瀟灑,足跡行遍天下。「墨梅圖冊」成於壬申(一八一二)年間,所繪墨梅,枝幹結組變化多端,別具姿態,饒有文人氣息。伊秉綬於前副頁書寫「寒香千古」四字,結體端莊平正,融以篆書筆法,於起、收筆處藏鋒,寫出渾圓敦厚的量感,具原始樸素的風致。本冊為林宗毅先生捐贈。&*Plum Blossoms in Monochrome Ink Ch’ien Tu (1763/4-1844/5) Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’ien Tu (early name Yü, changed to Tu) had the style name Shu-mei and sobriquet Sung-hu hsiao-yin. A native of Ch’ien-t’ang in Chekiang (modern Hangchow), he was by nature casual and broadminded, traveling throughout the land. This album, donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i, was done in 1812 and depicts many manners of plum blossoms and branches in ink. Done in unique ways, these works are much in the literati manner. On the frontispiece, I P’ing-shou (1754-1815) wrote four characters for “Cold Fragrance of Remote Antiquity”. Appearing formal and solemn, they combine the methods of seal script. The brush tip was concealed where applied and lifted, creating a columnar and weighty effect for a simple and primitive manner.