林宗毅先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁14-18&*徐渭(西元一五二一—一五九三年),山陰人。字文清,又字文長,號天池、青藤老人。善古文,書則學米,行草尤妙。畫則自成一家,山水、人物、花蟲、竹石無一不精。 此冊為林宗毅先生捐贈,計八開,分別寫玉蘭、榴實、海棠、芭蕉、葡萄、菊花、蘆蟹和水仙。全冊用筆恣肆狂放,水墨淋漓,雖然草草數筆,但形神兼備。幅上作者題識的書法勁健灑脫,書畫二者兩相輝映,超逸絕倫。 &* Xu Wei, a native of Shanyin, went by the style names Wenqing and Wenchang and the sobriquets Tianchi and Qingteng laoren. Excelling at ancient writing, in calligraphy he studied the style of Mi Fu, being especially gifted at semi-cursive script. In painting he formed his own style, developing many refined subjects, such as landscapes, figures, flowers-and-insects, and bamboo-and-rocks. This album, donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Lin Zongyi, has eight leaves featuring magnolia, pomegranate, flowering crabapple, plantain, grape, chrysanthemum, reed-and-crab, and narcissus subjects. The entire album is done in bold and unbridled brushwork, the ink appearing as if dripping wet. Although cursively done in just a few strokes, the form and spirit of the subjects are all complete. The artist’s calligraphy on the work is strong yet free, so that both painting and calligraphy brilliantly reflect the other for a perfect match.