淺綠色地設色織。織黑字篆書七言聯:「綠艾紅榴爭美節,詩情畫趣總怡神。」上聯邊織「御製詩句」篆書四字。無款印。 此幅設色柔雅,以仿澄心堂紙的各式描花作為箋地,花卉蟲蝶寫實,呈現豐富而活潑的趣味。緙織技巧細緻勻整,為乾隆緙絲精雅者。 &* Multicolored threads have been woven against a pale green background to form a 7-character couplet in seal script done in black silk. The background includes many auspicious and floral designs, such as wormwood and pomegranate, for a beautiful pattern that looks like a painting. To the upper right of one scroll are 4 characters reading “Verse by the Emperor”, also done in seal script. There is no woven seal. This work was done in the Ch’ien-lung reign (1736-1795). The coloring is subtle and elegant. It represents (in tapestry) decorative Ch’eng-hsin Hall paper with its realistic floral and insect background for a lively touch. The weaving is fine and even here, making this a masterpiece of Ch’ien-lung reign tapestry.&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,圖版91。