石渠寶笈初褊(養心殿),上冊,頁500&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&*胡德位,畫史無傳記,生死時代籍貫均不可考。根據作品畫風推測,應為明末時人,又從畫上印章自署獲知。字羨門,別號樵邨。從這幀扇面梅石山茶圖看來,他的水墨畫風格,近似孫克弘,運筆熟鍊,能夠應用中鋒寫字筆法,水分適當地控制,使墨色有種飽滿活潑的趣味,並藉此表現出物體不同的質感。&*Plum, Rock, and Camellia Hu Te-wei Ming Dynasty Hu Te-wei is not recorded in the histories of painting, but the style of his paintings suggests that he was active around the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). From the seals and inscriptions on his works we know that he used the style name Hsien-men and sobriquet Ch’iao-ts’un. The fan painting of “Plum, Rock, and Camellia” suggests that Hu Te-wei’s monochrome ink technique was derived from the style of Sun K’o-hung (1532-1610). The turns in the brushstrokes are handled in a mature and disciplined manner, using the calligraphic technique of keeping the point of the brush in the middle of the stroke at all times. The variations in ink tones are well controlled, creating a flavor of richness and vitality which reveals many different.