石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁669&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁502&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁305-306&*此軸雖題為〈明人摹西園雅集圖〉,描繪題材應是「香山九老」,與院藏〈無款香山九老圖〉構圖相似,以巨松坡石切割畫面,左上三人持卷觀賞;下方三人顧盼交談;中間偏右二人專注對弈,一人觀看,間或有童僕伴隨。「香山九老」是指唐武宗會昌五年(八四五),時年七十四歲的白居易與胡杲、吉旼、鄭據、劉真、盧真、張渾、狄兼謨、廬貞等八名年過七十的友人,於白居易晚年歸居香山的聚會。(20100101)&*Though the title of this painting refers to the Western Garden, it probably depicts “The Nine Elders of Xiangshan.” In fact, it is similar in composition to an anonymous work on this subject in the National Palace Museum collection. The motifs of large pines and rocks divide the painting surface. On the left are three figures looking at a scroll, and three on the right are in conversation. In the center to the right are two figures in a game of go with one looking on. Attendants also appear here. This subject refers to a gathering of the 74-year-old Bai Juyi (772-846), the famous Tang poet, with eight other figures over the age of 70, including Hu Gao, Ji Min, Zheng Ju, Liu Zhen, Lu Zhen, Zhang Hun, Di Jianmo, and Lu Zhen, who all traveled to Bai’s Xiangshan residence of his later years.(20100101)