祕殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁96 &故宮書畫錄 (卷五),第三冊,頁125 &故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁15-16 &本幅主尊是千手千眼觀世音菩薩。上方雲氣有十方佛,四大天王擎起菩薩足下蓮座,天龍八部兩側隨侍。菩薩嘴角有髭,五官秀美,腰身纖細,容貌已有女性的圓潤溫婉。此觀音有千手各具一眼,或作手印,或執持物,頭頂共具三十二面,頂上面為阿彌陀佛,以示觀音獲得正等正覺,修證圓通無上至道。 多首多臂觀音出自密教,在唐高祖時傳入中國。觀音的頭頂有二十六菩薩面與一佛面,祂共有千手,每隻手中各具一眼,故能以千眼遍識眾生,又以千手隨時救護,充份發揮觀音的悲憫情懷。&The main deity in this painting is the Kuan-yin of One thousand Arms and Eyes. A host of Buddhas is seen in the clouds above. The Four Heavenly Kings hold up the Bodhisattva's lotus pedestal while the Eight Deva Kings line up in two files to the side. A moustache can be seen on Kuan-yin's upper lip, though already the form and manner of the deity has become soft and feminine. In each of Kuan-yin's one thousand hands is a single eye, and at the t op of the head dress of 32 faces is an image of the Amitabha Buddha. Some of the hands make gestures while others hold ritual objects. These symbolize the state of true awakening and enlightenment of Kuan-yin. Kuan-yin with many heads and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu(r.618-626). The top of Kuan-yin's head has 26 heads of bodhisattvas and one of a Buddha. Kuan-yin had 1,000 hands, each of which has an eye in the palm. A visualization of Kuan-yin's ability to see and assist all, this work reflects the deity's compassionate nature.& 觀世音又稱觀音,是我們最熟悉的一位佛教人物。這尊觀音與常見的一頭兩手的顯教觀音像不同,祂的頭頂共有二十六個菩薩頭和一個佛頭,有一千隻手,每一隻手的手掌中間又有一隻眼睛,所以稱為「千手千眼觀世音菩薩」,是密教觀音的一個重要典型。 萬頃波濤,四天王背負著一座七寶蓮台,千手千眼觀世音菩薩十分莊嚴地站在台上。左右各有兩位菩薩隨侍,下方的天龍八部雙手合什,向觀音菩薩示敬。觀音菩薩頭戴化佛寶冠,紺髮垂肩,雙唇上下都有鬍髭,仍作男相。但五官秀美,已流露出女性化的特質全圖賦色妍麗,瓔珞裝飾和七寶蓮台都描繪得十分仔細。人物衣紋線條柔勁流暢,這些特色都與傳至日本的南宋佛畫十分類似,是一幅難得的南宋佛教繪畫精品。 &Kuan-yin, the bodhisattva of compassion, stands amid waves on top of a lotus pedestal supported by four Guardian Kings. Above are seated Buddhas on auspicious clouds and below are 8 Deva Kings in 2 rows. Kuan-yin here has a moustache, but also an elegant face and delicate figure, clearly revealing feminine characteristics. Kuan-yin with many heads and arms comes from esoteric Buddhism, which entered T'ang China under Kao-tsu (r. 618-626). The top of Kuan-yin's head has 26 heads of bodhisattvas and one of a Buddha. Kuan-yin has 1,000 hands, each of which has an eye in the palm. A visualization of Kuan-yin's ability to see and assist all, this work reflects the deity's compassionate nature.