故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁27&*尺幅之間鉤繪六段故事,依序說明如下:第二十一品:釋尊放光,照見彌樓山、諸天等宮殿。第十九品:受持法華而六根清淨者乘蓮自海中湧出,已獲天眼神通,故山林江海及諸天宮殿一切悉見。第二十品:常不輕比丘是法華宣揚「眾生皆有佛性」的典範法師。他逢人即拜:「我不敢輕於汝等,汝等皆當作佛!」如此怪異言行常遭屈辱追打。第二十三品:得﹝法華經﹞如貧得寶。菩薩於佛前自焚供養佛。於塔前燃臂供佛舍利。 本幅為清無款﹝妙法蓮華經﹞卷六扉畫。&*There are six stories incorporated together in this frontispiece. Shākyamuni sends out a ray of light upon the world, illuminating Mt. Sumeru and all heavens and palaces (Chapter 21). Those who have professed their belief in the Lotus Sūtra are reborn on lotuses. Because their faculties of sense are pure, they can see everything such as Mt. Sumeru and all the heavens and palaces in Shākyamuni’s ray of light (Chapter 19). The monk called “Never Disrespect” is the model propagator of the Buddhist tenet that all beings possess the Buddha nature. He always states that he will not discriminate against anyone since all will become buddhas. This strange behavior caused people to beat and chase him (Chapter 20). The receiving of the Lotus Sūtra is like a poor man gaining riches. Also depicted is a bodhisattva burning himself as an offering to the Buddha as well as a bodhisattva burning his arm as an offering to a relic of the Buddha in a stūpa (Chapter 23).