石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁697&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁23&*汪由敦(西元一六九二-一七五八年),字師苕,號謹堂,又號松泉居士,安徽休寧人,書風取法唐宋名家,為乾隆朝重要文臣。據汪氏冊末題記,乃臨寫石鼓全本,為清初玉箸篆之書風。查《活計檔》此冊於乾隆五十五年入宮,同年乾隆考定石鼓並重刻之,故命參與重刻石鼓如王杰等眾臣,題識於後副葉,說明所謂「石鼓全本」乃沿明楊慎之謬誤,唯汪由敦曾為乾隆重臣,是以「眷舊至意仍藏壁府」。(20100102)&* Wang Youdun (a native of Xiuning, Anhui) was an important official under the Qianlong Emperor. His calligraphy style derived from the methods of Tang and Song masters. The inscription at the end of this album indicates it transcribes the complete Stone Drums text, being done in “jade pin” seal script of the early Qing. Palace Workshop Archives indicate this album entered the palace in 1790, when Qianlong verified the text and had it recarved. The participating officials, such as Wang Jie, provided inscriptions at the end, explaining that the complete text of the Stone Drums continues the mistakes of Yang Shenzhi from the Ming dynasty, but since Wang Youdun was an important Qianlong official it was still included in the palace collection.(20100102)