石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁608&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁21&*此冊寫於雍正八年(一七三○),經比對與〈積書巖帖.臨石鼓文〉冊摹寫自同一本,據《活計檔》,此本與展出的汪由敦〈臨石鼓全文〉皆於乾隆五十五年入藏,是年乾隆重定石鼓,故冊末王杰等眾臣說明,由於王澍臨本較元明兩代各榻本字數較多,且篆法多摹自宋薛尚功,更因王澍在康熙朝即以精於篆書聞名,是以此本與內府所收趙孟頫音釋之元榻本,經乾隆鑑定可同為石鼓文參考的標準本。(20100102)&* Comparison of this album (done in 1730) with “Copying the Stone Drum Script” from Cave of Amassed Calligraphy reveal it comes from the same version. Palace Workshop Archives indicate that this and Wang Youdun’s version entered the palace in 1790, when the Qianlong Emperor had the Stone Drums text researched. At the end here are explanations by officials such as Wang Jie that since Wang Shu’s copy has more characters than Yuan and Ming dynasty versions, his seal script is copied mostly from Xue Shanggong’s, and Wang was famous in seal script in the Kangxi reign, so this and the rubbing of a phonetic explication by Zhao Mengfu in the palace collection were verified by Qianlong as the standard versions of Stone Drum script.(20100102)