石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1188&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁19&*詩為清康熙皇帝所作,詠熱河承德避暑山莊勝景,計四冊,每詩均配以勝景圖畫。畫未署款。展出者為第一開「煙波致爽」,畫四圍秀嶺,十里澄湖,雲山勝地。同時展出者為避暑山莊詩刻本,三十六景皆配以銅版畫,稿樣即出於手繪本。 &*The poems were composed by the K’ang-hsi emperor (1662-1723) of the Ch’ing dynasty, praising the beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace in Cheng-te, Jehol province. They were compiled into four volumns and each one of them is matched with a landscape rendition. The first leaf depicting a mountain retreat where soft hills surround a clear lake is selected for this special exhibition. Also exhibited here is the copper engraving version of the same work complete with thirty-six landscape illustrations.