故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁19&*陳奕禧(西元一六四八-一七○九年),字六謙,又字子文、文一,號香泉,晚號葑叟,海寧鹽官人。其詩得王士禎讚賞,書法深受康熙皇帝重視,故以貢生破格入直南書房。書法由董其昌入手,復參米芾,著意變化,圓潤秀美,有「翰墨妙當代,海內翕然」之稱,號「香泉體」。所書〈夢墨樓法帖〉曾於雍正年間(一七二三-一七三五)勒石,貯於內府。此作大字用筆沉著渾融,結體有欹側跌宕之妙。(20120104)&*Chen Yixi (style name Liuqian, sobriquet Xiangquan), native to Yanguan in Haining, was praised in poetry by Wang Shizhen. His calligraphy was also deeply admired by the Kangxi Emperor, so an exception was made for him as a Tribute Student to enter the emperor’s Southern Studio. Chen started his study of calligraphy with Dong Qichang’s style, to which he added Mi Fu’s for variation. His round, smooth elegant style known as “marvelous in calligraphy now throughout the country” formed his “Xiangquan Style.” His “Calligraphy of Mengmo Tower” engraved in stone during the Yongzheng era (1723-1735) was stored at the court. The brushwork in large characters here is rich yet sedate, the characters slanted in a marvelously free and easy way.(20120104)