石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2025-2026&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁95-96&*故宮歷代法書全集,第二十四冊,頁3-12、142&*湯煥,浙江杭縣人,字堯文,號鄰初。隆慶四年(西元一五七0)舉人,為江陰教諭,後徵為翰林待詔,轉郡丞。吳越間比之文徵明。善楷、行、草書及篆刻。本件後有高士奇跋,謂其書從晉人蹊徑而入。此件則是章草風格。&*T'ang Huan (style name Lin-ch'u) was a native of Hang-hsien, Chekiang. He received his chu-jen civil service degree in 1570. He excelled at regular, running, and grass scripts as well as carving seals. At the end of this work describing T'ang's stay at Western Mountain on an autumn day is a colophon by Kao Shih-ch'i, who noted that T'ang's style followed in the manner of the ancient Chin dynasty masters. This work of calligraphy is in the script known as chang-cursive.