石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2752&*晉唐法書名蹟,頁55-69&*1.何炎泉,〈集字聖教序〉,收入何傳馨、何炎泉、陳韻如編,《晉唐法書名蹟》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版),頁63-68。 2.何炎泉,〈略論院藏〈集字聖教序〉及相關問題〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第307期(2008年10月),頁78-87。 &*原碑尚存西安碑林,傳世拓本以北宋最早,碑石斷裂於宋、元之間。本冊為未斷前所拓,「聖慈」的「慈」字首三筆損,以墨補出筆畫,「勝緣」的「緣」字左下也以墨描補,刻意仿造北宋拓本之特徵,不過拓工精細且字口清晰,亦為南宋佳拓。曾經台灣知府沈起元(1685-1763)所收,嘉慶時進入內府收藏。不知兩百多年前此冊否到過台灣,然隨文物播遷來台,現典藏於本院,堪稱文物流傳的一段佳話。(20081012)&*The original stele from which this rubbing was taken still survives at the “Forest of Steles” in Hsi-an. The earliest surviving rubbing is from the Northern Sung period (960-1127), the stele having broken sometime during the Sung or later in the Yüan dynasty. This album of rubbings was taken from prior to breakage, the first three strokes at the top of the character for “tz’u慈” in “sheng-tz’u 聖慈” being damaged and filled with ink, while the lower left part of the character “yüan 緣” in “sheng-yüan 勝緣” has also been filled with ink, intentionally imitating features of Northern Sung rubbings. Based on the quality of the rubbing and the clear spaces in the characters, this appears to be a fine rubbing of the Southern Sung period (1127-1279). Once in the collection of the Prefect of Taiwan, Shen Ch’i-yüan (1685-1763), this work entered the court during the Chia-ch’ing reign (1796-1820). Little did anyone realize that it would one day return to Taiwan some 200 years later with the Palace Museum works, making for one of the interesting stories of the collection. (20081012)