英文說明:Previous form leads directly into this one. (1) Take up the horse-riding stance and with your fists, palms up and the side of your fists with your thumbs facing outward, next to your hips. Draw the elbow of your left arm back. Twist upper torso to the left. Open your right hand so that it is flat and push it out hard. Perform this movement while breathing in. Return to original position while you are breathing out. (2) Twist upper torso to the right. Push your flat left hand out hard in front of you. Perform this movement while breathing in. Return to original position while you are breathing out. Key points: Pushing your flat hand is to be done with your wrist outstretched with your palms upward. One hand is pushed forward as the other is pulled back exerting similar amounts of energy. Perform this form six times.