Genre:Portion of a Critical Analysis with oral commentary
SubjectMatter:Great Compassion/Based on Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expostion of the Middle—Analysis of Candrakirti's "Supplement to the 'Treatise on the Middle'"
Keywords:snying rje chen mo/great compassion/大悲心; hinayana/Lesser Vehicle/小乘; mahayana/Great Vehicle/大乘; zla ba grags pa/Candrakirti/月稱; dbu ma la 'jug pa/Supplement to the 'Treatise on the Middle Way'/入中論; byang chub sems dpa'/Bodhisattva/菩薩; jam dbyangs bzhad pa/Jam-Yang-Shay-ba/蔣揚協巴
Notes:Based on Jam-yang-shay-ba's Great Expostion of the Middle—Analysis of Candrakirti's "Supplement to 'Treatise on the Middle'"