故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁150&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十六冊,頁274-277 &*董誥(西元一七四0至一八一八),字西京,號蔗林。浙江省富陽縣人。董邦達之子。乾隆二十八年進士。官至大學士,值南書房。死後諡為「文恭」。 本冊畫民間正月?新春的各種活動情形。&* Tung Kao (1740-1818), whose style name was His-ching and sobriquet Che-lin, was a native of Fu-yang in Chekaing. His father was Tung Pang-ta. He passed the chin-shih examination in 1763, rising to be a National Scholar and a member of the Imperial Library. His posthumous title was Wen-kung. He was a poet, prose writer, painter, and calligrapher. He continued his father’s style in painting. This work depicts the celebration of New Year among the common people.