故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁169&*童子左手執金魚燈,右手拉著白象車燈,象背蓮座寶瓶內有如意、畫戟,並懸掛卍字與雙錢結。戟與吉,壺與福同音,寓意太平有象,吉慶祥福。&*A child holds a goldfish lantern in his left hand and pulls a white elephant cart lantern with the other. On the back of the elephant is a vase on a lotus pedestal, in which are a ju-i scepter and halberd with decorative Buddhist swastika and coin motifs hanging from it. The halberd is a homonym for “auspicious” and the vase represents “prosperity,” making this a scene of peace and good fortune.