石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁770&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁135&*董其昌(1555-1636),字玄宰,江蘇松江(今上海)人。萬曆十七年進士,任官至南京禮部尚書。政事餘暇喜好書畫創作、論評和鑑藏,其書畫理論對後世影響尤其深遠。董氏論書法,以為「學書不從臨古入,必墮惡道」,其個人亦身體力行,臨寫古人書蹟不輟。此卷臨書以得蘇黃神采為重,適如董氏所云:「臨帖正不在形骸之似」,宜「觀其舉止笑語精神流露處。」(20110913)&*Dong Qichang (style name Xuanzai), a native of Songjiang in Jiangsu (modern Shanghai), was a Presented Scholar of 1589 and served up the post of Minister of Rites in Nanjing. In his leisure time from official duties, he enjoyed doing painting and calligraphy as well as critiquing and authenticating works, his theories on painting and calligraphy having a profound influence on later generations. In Dong’s discussion of calligraphy, he advocated that “The student of calligraphy who does not begin by copying the ancients is bound to fall into depraved ways.” In person he practiced what he preached, copying the calligraphy of the ancients without end. This handscroll is a copy of marvelous examples of calligraphy by Su Shi and Huang Tingjian, leading Dong Qichang to comment, “The point of copying modelbooks does not lie in their similarity to outward form,” instead “Observing the places where their behavior, laughter, and spirit are revealed.”(20110913)