張岳軍先生王雪艇先生羅志希夫人捐贈書畫特展圖錄,頁7、222 &石谿(西元一六一一至約一六七三年),僧,湖南武陵人。俗姓劉,字介丘,號髡殘。二十七歲剃度為僧,旋遊南京,皈依覺浪道盛。住錫南京大報恩寺及牛首山幽棲寺。畫山水筆墨縱肆,意境幽深,與漸江、石濤、八大號為清初四大畫僧。 本幅畫黃山天都峰。峰插青天,泉掛霓虹,兩人閒坐茅亭裡,雲氣自群山間穿流而過,蒼茫葱蒨中,霧影濃淡,好像天風海雨,逼人眉睫。 本幅係張群先生捐贈。 &Along with the monks Chien-chiang, Shih-t’ao, and Pa-ta-shan-jen, Shih-hsi is known as one of the “Four Great Monk Painters” of the early Ch’ing dynasty. Originally named Liu Chieh-ch’ju,he was a native of Wu-ling, Hunan. He became a monk at twenty-seven, went to Nanking, and became a pupil of Chüeh-lang tao-sheng. He lived both in the Pao-en Temple in Nanking and in the Yu-ch’i Temple on Ox Head Mountain. The brushwork of Shih-hsi’s landscape is free and natural; his scenes reveal a realm of profound depth. This painting depicts the T’ien-tu peak of the Huang Mountains. The peak soars into the sky with rainbows hanging form its waterfalls. In the thatched pavilion at its foot two men are leisurely enjoying the scenery. Veils of clouds and mist swell up in the vast valley, as compelling and awesome as stormy billows.