石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁610-611&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&*項德新(西元一六二三生,卒年不詳)字復初,為項元汴子。善山水,亦善寫生。流傳很少。 入眼的竹叢,一派淋漓。畫家題款寫到:乙巳(一六0五)首夏攬翠軒聽雨,即其簷前雨枝作此。畫家確實是把竹葉帶著雨水的效果做到了。基本的技巧是利用吸水性較少的紙張,使深淺不同的墨色交融,看來葉片上的雨水還未乾的感覺。&* Hsiang Te-hsin was the nephew of the collector and connoisseur Hsiang Yüan-pien (1525-1590). Although he excelled at landscape painting as well as sketching from life, few of his works have survived. Attractive stalks of bamboo are rendered here in moist shades of monochrome ink. The artist’s inscription to the left states that it was done in the summer of 1665 while listening to the rain. The artist has represented here the appearance of bamboo in the mist and rain. He achieved this effect by using less absorbent paper, thereby allowing the light and dark washes of ink to mix together. Thus, it looks as if the bamboo leaves here are still wet from the rain.