故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁219&寫芙蓉花一枝,雙鉤填色,用筆自然而有力。花之鉤瓣,葉之鋸齒筋絡,筆筆俱見功力。枝幹、花蕊,與葉之背面,皆採石綠罩染,尤為逼真。雖無作者款印,其畫風饒有宋院體花卉畫之特質。 本幅選自「宋人集繪」冊第三開。&This delicate rendition is a sketch of a hibiscus flower, executed first with outline strokes and then filled with color. The brushwork is naturally graceful yet powerful. The artist's merits are evident in the hooked-outline technique employed for the petals and the veins of the serrated leaves. On the undersides of the stems, pistils, stamens, and leaves, a wash of the malachite was applied as shading in order to further enhance the life-like quality of the representation. Although this work bears no signature or seal of the artist, it exhibits the unique features of flower painting from the Sung dynasty court. This is the 3rd leaf from the album Collected Paintings by Sung Artist.