故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁179&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁115-116&* 弘旿字恕齋,又字醉迂,號一如居士、瑤華道人,為滿清宗室,官封周山貝子。其作品約見於乾隆十六年(一七五一)至五十七年(一七九二)。 松為主體,梅為副,竹石穿差其間。構景緊湊,而有變化。筆墨厚拙蒼勁,頗得沈周之墨趣。 &* Hung Wu, style names Shu-chai and Tsui-yu; sobriquet I-ju chu-shih, Yao-hua tao-jen, was a member of the Ch’ing imperial family. On the basis of his extant works we assume that he was alive between 1751 and 1792. The major theme of this picture is a tall pine tree, with bamboo, rocks and plum blossoms surrounding it. The composition is very tight and displays many variations. The brushwork is vigorous and in a style which somewhat resembles the flavor of Shen Chou.