故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁183&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁169-170&* 馮寧,生死時年、籍貫均不詳。高宗乾隆時,任職內廷畫院供奉,擅長於人物畫,畫法似是出自明代浙派吳偉一路,用筆慓勁,衣服褶紋採取破筆粗線描法,水墨恣肆,墨氣淋漓,畫面充分給人一種力的感覺。 畫中二仙,似為八仙中的鍾漢離、鐵拐李二人。 &*Two Immortals Feng Ning (fl. Ca. 1736-1795) Ch’ing Dynasty Little is known of the life of Feng Ning except that he served at the court as a painter during the reign of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) and specialized in figure painting. His style was derived from that of Wu Wei, a Ming dynasty painter of the Che School. He wielded the brush in a bold, strong manner, drawing drapery folds with rough slashes of a split brush, and freely splashing washes of dilute ink. Thus his paintings convey the impression of great strength. The two immortals represented in this picture seem to be Chung Han-li and Li T’ien-kuai, two among the Eight Immortals.