石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2098&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁107-108&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁302-305 &* 王武(西元一六三二-一六九○年),江蘇蘇州人。字勤中,晚號忘庵,又號雪顛道人。以諸生入太學,不屑意舉子業,性樂易,心懷坦蕩,平生不趨權貴。精鑑賞,富收藏,先世所遺及平時購獲,率多宋、元、明諸大家名蹟,往往心摹手追,務得其法,故其所寫花、鳥、動、植,生趣可比陳淳、陸治。明崇禎五年壬申生,清康熙二十九年庚午卒,年五十九。 畫秋景,寄於尺幅之間,畫來意態從容,令人心平氣和。本幅為花卉冊選二。 &* Flowers Wang Wu (1632-1690) Ch’ing Dynasty Wang Wu (style name Ch’in-chung and sobriquets Wang-an and Hsűeh-tien-tao-jen) was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. A discriminating connoisseur, he owned a large collection of paintings. He often copied the works of masters from the Sung, Yűan, and Ming dynasties and was thus able gradually to become fluent in their styles. Whether painting flowers, birds, or animals, he often shaded his motifs with washes of color, giving them a softer, lifelike vitality that differed from the stiffer academic style. He was widely known in his own time and was often compared to another master of flower painting, Yűn Shou-p’ing (1633-1690). In this painting of flowers and grasses in early autumn, the richness of the flowers in such a small work is able to impart a sense of peace and calm to the viewer.