故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁140&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁264-271&*《尚書》〈洪範〉記載,周武王拜訪智者箕子,請教治國之道。箕子引用上帝賜給禹的九類大法(洪範九疇),即世傳洛水出現的神龜所負的九種圖形,向周武王一一講述治理國家的九種常理。圖中周武王坐於廳堂中央,箕子在側,以手指著地上的九個圖形,堂室外侍從分站兩列,如戲劇舞臺,讓觀者清楚看到主角的活動。 &*The record of “Vast Models” in the Book of Documents relates how King Wu of the Chou paid a visit to the sage Chi-tzu, consulting him on how to rule his realm. Chi-tzu cited how the “Emperor Above” had blessed Yü with nine “great laws” Known as the “Vast Models of Nine Divisions”, which had been passed down from 9 diagrams on the shell of a divine turtle emerging from the Lo River. He explained to King Wu the logic behind each of the 9 methods for administering a country. Here, King Wu is seated in the center of a hall with Chi-tzu by his side, pointing to the 9 patterns on the ground. Outside are attendants on either side, appearing like a stage performance allowing the viewer to clearly see the characters’ actions.