故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁140&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁264-271&*《史記》〈殷本紀〉記載,商湯見路人四面張網以捕捉禽獸,心有不忍,藉以比喻治理人民,應該網開三面,遵重人們的自由意願,令人民自動順服,網羅人才。畫中百姓像是聽從了商湯的勸說,正在撤除圍網,讓飛禽自由飛去。&*The passage of “Annals of Yin” in Records of the Grand Historian relates how King T’ang of the Shang saw somebody use a closed net to catch animals. Unable to bear the sight any longer, he ordered that the people in his realm leave only one side of the net up. He used this as a metaphor for gathering and retaining people of talent to serve him. In other words, he also respected the wishes of individuals, so he ordered that people should follow their own accord to decidé if they wished to stay. In this painting., it looks like the people are all obeying the advice of King T’ang, removing part of the cloth and allowing the birds to fly off.