故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁161&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十八冊,頁304-309&*老松古幹一株,幹身右斜而上,藤蘿交纏盤空,但覺紙外有畫,布置頗有新意。一隻長臂猿以右臂掛在藤上,有飛盪靈動之勢。全幅墨色清淡,用筆流暢,意境極為空靈。 本幅為「宋元明人合壁」冊第九開。&*The trunk of an ancient pine tree, with loosely intertwined wisteria, rises to the right as if emerging beyond the painting-indeed creating an interesting composition. A gibbon hangs on the vine by its right arm, demonstrating its ability to swing dexterously. The ink and color throughout the album leaf is pure and light, and the brushwork is fluent; thus imparting to the realm in this painting an extremely ethereal quality.