故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 趙之琛,生在高宗乾隆四十六(公元一七八一)年,死在文宗咸豐十(公元一八六○)年,字次閑,浙江錢塘人。為陳豫鍾的學生,一生精心研究金石學,書法,篆刻,繪畫都擅長。 他的山水畫,遠學元代黃公望、倪瓚二人,花卉畫前人認為「筆意瀟洒,傅色清雅,有華喦的神趣」,事實上,他用筆遲緩穩重,景物剪裁簡潔,畫面給人一種樸拙厚重的感覺。 &* Chao Chih-ch’en (tzu Tz’u-hsien) came from Ch’ien-t’ang in Chekiang and was the student of Ch’en Yü-chung. A scholar by nature, he studied bronze and stone inscriptions, calligraphy, seal carving, and painting and excelled in all. In landscape painting he followed the styles of the Yüan masters Huang Kung-wang and Ni Tsan. A former critic characterized his flower paintings in these terms: “The brush and ink are light and free, the use of color clear and elegant; the effect is similar to that of Hua Yen’s paintings.” His use of the brush is relaxed but firm, his subjects simple and abbreviated, giving the viewer an impression of the substantial and elemental.