故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165 &* 曹羲(活動期間約為西元一六00-一六三五年),長洲(江蘇蘇州)人,寓武林(杭州)。號羅浮。人物、山水筆墨秀潔,能以氣韻擅勝。倣宋、元種種逼真,但未脫院體。本幅以細筆畫松柳竹林之間,曲水蜿蜒,多位名士岸邊盤坐,或捧觴;或觀書畫;或相與交談。所記乃東晉穆帝永和九年(三五三)癸丑三月三日,王羲之與其子及文友等四十二人,於山陰蘭亭依舊俗修祓禊之禮一事。&* Ts’ao Hsi, a native of Soochow, spent most of his life in Hangchow. His figure and landscape paintings captured the spirit of the subject. His copies of Sung and Yüan works, however accurate, did not transcend academic bounds Depicted on this fan is the famed gathering at the Orchid Pavilion (near modern Lan-chu, Shao-hsing). On the 3rd day of the 3rd month of 353 AD, two of China’s most famous calligraphers-Wang Hsi-chih and his son, Wang Hsien-chih-met with about 42 literary friends for the traditional annual ceremony of ablution. Seated on the banks of a stream winding among pines, willows, and bamboo, the gentlemen look at calligraphy or painting, or merely chat. The brushwork is fine and detailed. &*1.〈明曹義蘭亭修禊〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁77。