故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁168&*這件作品,作者不明。本院僅藏有一冊,內含四十四開,但由封面標有「第四冊」看來,原來應不只有一冊。「海錯」一詞指「風複雜多的海產物」,而此冊的內容也以海中各式各樣的貝類與節肢動物為主。文字除了說明其產地特性、形狀與習性,並搭配一贊文,歌詠其特性。上有乾隆的款印,因此製作時期可能在十八世紀左右。&*The artist(s) behind this work are unknown. The National Palace Museum has only this album, which contains 44 leaves, but the cover is labeled “Album Four ”, indicating that several originally existed. The term “sea ornaments” in Chinese refers to “the rich and varied products of the sea”. This album is mostly devoted to various kinds of shellfish and arthropods. The texts not only describe their places of origin, appearance, and habits, but also include a eulogy of praise and a song of poetry on their features. On this work is a seal impression of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor (r. 1736-1795), suggesting that the date of production was probably around 18th century.