故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&* 本幅繪東嶽岱宗圖。群風羅列為雲煙環繞,松林寺宇參差其間,山徑逶邐通山頂天門,其下一溪婉曲,翁者持杖,童子隨侍於後。畫山石用披麻皴法,筆法秀逸,淺設色亦極雅緻。 幅內題署小癡,不知為何許人。畫史載字號小癡者,清際約近十人,然所述作者畫風過於簡略,又無生卒年月,難以考訂核對,俟日後有適當資料,再予補正。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第十二開。 &* This painting is a depiction of the sacred mountain of the east, Mt. T’ai. A pine forest and monasteries are nestled in the stretch of mountains shrouded by mist and clouds. A mountain path twists way to the gate at the summit of the peak as a stream winds downward below. An old man leans on a staff, and a servant boy follows behind him. The artist has used hemp-fiber brushstrokes to depict the mountains and rocks, and the light colors are extremely tasteful. The painting is signed “Hsiao-chih,” but the identity of “Hsiao-chih” is unclear. In painting records, there are close to ten people in the Ch’ing dynasty with the style name or sobriquet “Hsiao-chih”. Because the written records provide only cursory information concerning these artists’ styles, it is impossible to tell which “Hsiao-chih” has painted this. More exact identification will have to await future research. This painting is the twelfth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang.