故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&*清徐恆(活動於西元十九世紀中葉),字祝平,號竹坪,又號小濤,青浦(上海)人,施潤春弟子,善山水,尤心契沈周、李流芳兩家,兼涉宋元,工隸書。 畫芙蓉,清新淡雅,以淡墨鉤出花瓣,葉片以沒骨出之。兩隻蜜蜂遙遙相對,以滕黃染頭,凸顯於畫面,為平板的花葉增添鮮活的效果。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第十開。 &*Hibiscus Hsü Heng (act. mid-19th cent.) Ch’ing Dynasty Hsü Heng (style name Chu-p’ing; sobriquets Chu-p’ing, Hsiao-t’ao) was a native of Shanghai. A follower of Shih Jun-ch’un, he excelled in landscape painting. He especially admired the styles of Shen Chou and Li Liu-fang of the Ming dynasty, and he also learned from the Sung and Yüan masters. In addition, he was skilled in clerical calligraphy. Hsü Heng has painted fresh and delicate hibiscus. He used light ink to paint the contours of the petals amd boneless (mo-ku) method for the leaves. Two bees, painted with rattan yellow, seem to stand out from the picture plane as they fly about, adding an element of animation to the rather flat flowers. This painting is the tenth leaf in the album Yi-lin ch’ing-shang.