故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁162&* 林巒疊嶂,雲氣瀰漫之。以近似米家山法寫成,筆意瀟灑,墨瀋淋漓。畫幅為金箋本,性不吸水,彩墨在畫面上時有凝聚之水迹,益增筆墨之趣。 楊大璧,生平不詳,待考。但「藝林清賞」冊中的其他畫家,大都活動於十九世紀中葉,楊氏亦可能為當時的畫家。 本幅為「藝林清賞」冊第一開。 &*Racing Stream in a Cloudy Valley Yang Ta-pi (ca. mid-19th century?) Ch’ing Dynasty Forests cover layer after layer of mountains shrouded in mist. This painting has been executed in the style of Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen of the Sung dynasty. The brushwork is casual yet refined, and the ink is extremely moist. Because the painting was executed on paper which is not very absorbent, the ink and colors have left traces where they pooled on the surface, contributing to the overall impression of varied, interesting brushwork. Very little is known about Yang Ta-pi. However, through association of the other artists who painted leaves in this album, Yi-lin ch’ing, Yang Ta-pi is possibly an artist of the mid-19th century.