秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁93&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁62&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁265-266&*準提,東密六觀音之一。其名含有七億佛母,三世諸佛之母之意,是故又稱七俱胝佛母,准胝佛母。本幅畫準提菩薩身披輕紗,莊嚴其身,於月輪中,跌坐蓮花之上。其面有三眼,具十八手,胸前二手呈說法相,右第二手作施無畏,其他各手執各式持物。準提像下有觀陀龍王與拔觀陀龍王共扶蓮莖。線條圓勁,描繪細緻,堪稱佳作。&*Cundí is one of the six Kuan-yin Bodhisattvas of the Eastern Esoteric teachings. The name signifies the mothers of 700,000,000 Buddhas -- the mothers of the Buddhas of past, present and future. In this painting, the Cundí, framed by a moon-like mandorla, is shown seated upon a lotus flower, with a gauze wrap covering the deity's body. The Bodhisattva possesses three eyes and eighteen arms. The hands in front of the deity's chest perform the gesture of teaching while the second hand at right makes that of fearlessness. The other hands hold ritual and symbolic objects. Two Deva kings support the stem of the lotus. The painting's fine detail and firm and flowing brushlines reveal the hand of a master artist.