石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁765&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁42&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁222-235&* 唐寅(西元一四七0—一五二三年),字伯虎,江蘇吳縣人。書畫詩文均才華過人,而且性情豪放不羈,是明代中期蘇州地區,極具知名度的文人兼職業畫家。 此冊繪河南嵩山景色十幅,山石用細皴,筆婉轉有韻,樹叢屋宇,人物舟橋,乃至遠山在望,處處皆洋溢著典雅的筆墨趣味,為唐伯虎三十八歲時所作。後副葉有文彭題跋及項元汴「天籟閣珍字參號。計原值貳拾肆金。子京父記」等語。 &* Tang Yin was a native of Wuxian, Jiangsu. An unbridled talent in poetry, prose, painting, and calligraphy, he was a famous artist of the Suzhou area in the middle Ming bridging the gap between literati and professional painting. This is an album of 10 leaves of Mt. Song scenery. Delicate texturing delineates the landscape forms, the brushwork quite pleasing, while the trees and buildings, figures and boats, and even distant mountains all overflow with a classical aura of brush and ink. The last leaf of this work done by Tang at the Chinese age of 38 has an inscription by Wen Peng and a note: “Accession number ‘zhen 珍’ [the 58th in the ‘Thousand Character Classic’] of the Hall of Heavenly Sounds. Original price; 24 gold: recorded by Zijing (Xiang Yuanbian).”