秘殿珠林三編(延春閣),頁117 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁66&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁261-262&*寒山,唐代高僧,居天台寒巖,好吟詞偈,狀似瘋狂,後因避訪謁者,遁入石穴。 本幅畫寒山手執柺杖。用線屬釘頭鼠尾描,轉折剛正,且著墨凝重,眼珠兩側、指端、柺杖皆填粉。與拾得幅皆未具名款,風格頗類顏輝一系,因以之。 畫家顏輝(約十四世紀),字秋月,浙江江山人。善道釋人物及寫生,並工畫鬼,筆法奇絕,饒富生意。&*Yen Hui, a native of Kiangsu province, excelled at Buddhist and Taoist figure painting as well as sketching from life. He also painted demons and was known for his lively and unusual style. Han-shan is a T'ang poet-monk often paired with Shih-te. Han-shan lived at Han-yen, T'ien-t'ai Mountain, in Chekiang province. He often composed poems and was said to behave like a madman. Later, to avoid visitors, he hid in a cave. Here, he stands wearing rags and a leaf skirt as he holds a cane with a spirited expression. The "nail-head" and "rat-tail" strokes twist in a forceful manner. The ink appears heavy and the eyes, toenails and fingernails, and the cane bear additions of white. Along with the portrait of Shih-te, it appears in the style of Yen Hui.