故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁175&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁229-232&*允禧(?-一七五八),清康熙皇帝第二十一子,封慎郡王,字謙齊,號紫瓊,自署春浮居士。禮賢下士,工書法,善畫,山水、水墨、花卉,皆有雅韻。著有花間堂詩鈔等書。 本卷墨色沉厚,再加青綠賦彩,筆調與吳歷相當接近。後一段,描寫天光雲影,尤覺清新,當為作者力作。 &* Yün Hsi was the twenty-first son of Emperor K’ang-hsi. He was enfeoffed the Prince of Sheh-chün. He signed his paintings Ch’ ün-fu chü-shih. Yün Hsi was a modest man despite his royal rank-courteous to the wise and condescending to the scholarly. He was a skilled calligrapher and an excellent painter. Both his landscapes and ink flower paintings have an elegant flavor. Among Yün Hsi’s authored books is Hua-chien-t’ang shih-ch’ao. This landscape handscroll is painted with heavy tones of ink. Green pigment was then added. The brushwork is relatively close to that of Wu Li. The last section of the painting is an especially refreshing description of the changes of light and shadow in the sky. This should be considered one of Yün Hsi’s best works.