故宮書畫錄(卷八),四冊,頁137 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁301-302&* 本幅畫獵犬。觀其設色敷彩,皆異於中國傳統之顏色。而形體寫生,光影畢現,又似是朗世寧一路之畫法,疑或為嘉慶以後畫院中人之手筆。&*Hound Anonymous Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) This portrait of a hound is not in the traditional Chinese style. The realistic drawing, coloring, and modelling relate it to the work of Giuseppe Castiglione(1688-1766). It is probably by a court artist who followed Castiglione’s innovations. &* 本幅畫獵犬。畫中犬隻以正側面示人,昂然挺立。強烈的光影透露出毛皮的光澤與質感,應該是朗世寧一路的畫法,可能是嘉慶以後畫院中人之手筆。 經過專家比對,畫中的可能是薩路基獵犬(Saluki),主要活躍於北非與西亞一帶的阿拉伯世界,此種獵犬是所有犬種中最古老的犬種,在古埃及時即為人類飼養,是埃及法老非常喜愛的犬種,甚至將其作成木乃伊陪葬。 &*Hunting Dog Anonymous Court Artists Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) The hunting dog in this work is shown from the side, standing proud and tall. The strong shading reveals the luster and texture of its fur as well as a Western-influenced style probably derived from that of Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), the Italian Jesuit who painted for the Ch’ing court. Thus, this is perhaps the work by a court painter after the reign of the Chia-ch’ing Emperor (1796-1820). Experts are of the opinion that the dog shown here is perhaps a Saluki (Gazelle Hound), found mostly in northern Africa and Arabic western Asia. This is one of the oldest breeds of hunting dog. It was domesticated in ancient Egypt and appreciated by the pharaohs, even being sacrificed and mummified for accompaniment in burial.