故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁181&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁259-260&* 蔣檙,字作梅,江蘇常熟人。乾隆十六年(一七五一)進士入詞林,仕至兵部侍郎。以工寫花卉著稱。蔣氏一門為常熟豪門巨族,數代在朝為官,亦以繪畫見長,其中尤以檙之祖蔣廷錫、父蔣溥最具盛名。 松、竹、梅稱「歲寒三友」,為歷來文人畫家所喜繪之題材,藉以象徵清逸高潔的人格情操。畫中樹石點染細緻,筆墨清雋雅逸,呈現出蔣氏家傳風格特徵。 &* Chiang Ting (style name Tso-mei) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. In 1751, he received his chin-shih civil service degree and entered the Hanlin Academy, later serving as Minister of War. He also became known for his flower paintings. Chiang came from a powerful clan of Ch’ang-shu which produced generations of officials as well as artists. Perhaps best known is Chiang Ting’s grandfather, Chiang T’ing-hsi, and father, Chiang P’u. Pine, bamboo, and plum blossoms are known as “The Three Friends of Winter,” a subject often depicted by literati artists starting in the Sung dynasty (960-1279). Literati chose these three subjects for their ability to thrive in winter, similar to the scholar who perseveres through hardship. Thus, they became symbols of purity and integrity of spirit. In this painting, the dots and washes on the stones and trees are delicate, and the brushwork is elegant and untrammelled -- expressing the characteristic Chiang style.