石渠寶笈續編(圓明園),第七冊,頁3848&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁102&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁251-252&* 鄒一桂(西元一六八六至一七七二年),字元褒,一字原褒,號小山,一號二知,又號讓卿,江蘇無錫人。雍正五年進士,官至禮部侍郎,加尚書銜。擅長花卉畫外,又精通畫理,著有小山畫譜。 鄒一桂以花卉畫最知名,畫山水亦頗具風格,如本幅以寫意筆畫溪汀煙樹、蘆岸垂釣景。不論對岸杉林,抑此岸槎枒的枝幹,用筆皆枯老勁鍊,葉點墨色亦輕重有致,未脫其雋冷風貌。 &* Tsou I-kuei, style name Yüan-pao, sobriquets Hsiao-shan, Erh-chih, and Jang-ch’ing, was a native of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. In 1727, he received the chin-shih degree. His highest official post was vice minister in the Board of Rites. He was later awarded the honorary title of minister. Besides excelling at flower painting, he was also well-versed in the principles of painting, and was the author of the Hsiao-shan hua-p’u, a manual of painting theory. Although Tsou is best known as a painter of flowers, his landscapes are also quite good. In this painting, the artsist used the free-style brush method (hsieh-i) to depict the stream, shore, trees, mist, water weeds, and rocks of this fishing scene. He employed powerful and antique brushstrokes to represent both the fir trees on the far bank and the various branches and trunks on the near side. The use of varying shades of ink to create the leaves further contributes to the overall sense of coldness.