石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁787&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁123&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁241-242&* 金廷標字士揆,浙江吳興人。善人物,兼工花卉、山水。乾隆南巡,進白描羅漢冊,稱旨,召入內廷供奉。生卒年未詳,作品見於西元一七六○–一七六七年間。 畫村民於河流中挖泥,旣可以之糞用,又可濬通河水。因此乾隆皇帝嘉賞金氏画意,而題詩云:「工執藝諫誠堪取。」。画人物、舟船,頗有浙派筆意。 &* A native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang, Chin T’ing-piao (tzu Shih-k’uei) was noted for his paintings of figures, flowers and landscapes. When the Ch’ien-lung emperor journeyed to south China, Chin presented him with an album of pai-miao lohans and was subsequently called to serve at the court. Villagers are scooping mud from a flowing river. This activity serves both as a source of fertilizer for the fields and as a method of widening the river. Thus, the Ch’ien-lung emperor inscribed a line of verse lauding Chin’s use of symbolism. The style of the figures and boats reflect the ideas of the Che school.