故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁181&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁301-302&* 作者戴洪,生死時年藉貫均不詳。高宗乾隆時,任職內廷畫院供奉。擅長山水、花鳥畫。他的畫,以筆路纖細,著色穠麗見長,曾和程志道、金昆、孫祐等人,合畫清明上河圖,精美絕倫,深蒙乾隆讚賞。偶爾也畫水墨山水,用筆雖較開放,但仍不脫細謹作風。&*Flowers and Birds by Spring and Rock Tai Hung Ch’ing dynasty Little is known of the life of Tai Hung except that he served in the Imperial Painting Academy during the reign of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) and specialized in landscapes and flowers and birds. He worked in a meticulously detailed and brightly colored style, and was one of the artists who worked on the famous hand scroll (now in the Palace Museum) “A City of Cathay” (some of the others were Ch’eng Chih-tao, Chin K’un, and Sun Hu). His finely detailed style was much appreciated by the Emperor. Tai Hung occasionally also did monochrome ink landscapes, but although he strove for freedom and spontaneity, he could not escape the influence of his more meticulous style.