秘殿珠林續編﹝清乾宮﹞,頁94&*故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁132&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁45-46&*墨筆畫童貞像,微以淺色漬染,披髮持經,衣編蒲之衣,筆意靜穆之甚。 按傅亮文殊師利?貝云:在昔龍種,今也童貞。又維摩詰所說經文殊師利問疾品第五,佛遣文殊師利詣維摩詰問疾,於是同諸菩薩入毗耶離城,與維摩詰往返辯論。本幅題句云:法門不二無言說,慚愧毗耶彼上人,據此則知本幅所繪實即文殊師利像也。&*This painting, done in brush and ink with a slight touch of clear colour, depicts a T'ung-chen. Holding a sutra-scroll, he has long unravelled hair and wears a garment of plaited reeds. The mood is estremely quiet and solemn. According to the "Encomium to Mañjušrí” by Fu Liang (5th century A.D.), "The Manjusri of former times is now a monk who has reached the stage of child-1ike innocence T'ung-chen."In the Vimalakírti-nirdeša sûtra (part I I, ch.5) it is related how the Buddha sent Mañjušrí to enquire after the health of Vimalakírti. Mañjušrí and all the bodhisattvas went to his home in Vaisâlí, India, and held a great debate with him. The inscription on this painting says, "Vimalakírti says nothing to illustrate the buddhist principle of non-duality. Mañjušrí is shamed by the holy man of Vaisâlí." This tells us that this is a portrait of Mañjušrí.