石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2253&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁129&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁113-114&*謝遂,生卒年里不詳,乾隆年間(1736-1796)供奉內廷,工畫人物。 本幅畫大禹開山治理洪水的故事,傳說四五千年前的中國常受到淹水之苦,當時的皇帝堯便派了鯀去治水,鯀用防堵的方法,沒想到水患更形嚴重,於是改派鯀的兒子禹治理水患,禹為了治水的方法,尋遍各地,一日禹爬山勞累了,便枕石而睡,在夢見神人告訴他得治水神書「金簡玉字之書」的方法,得了寶書之後,大禹將書中治水之道細讀深思,知道了正確的治水辦法:必須湮疏結合,該湮則湮,該疏則疏。又得各種神仙幫助斫石疏波,便將滔滔洪水治服了。全幅細節繁多,熱鬧非凡,著紅衣戴冠帽者為禹,正研讀書中精要,運籌維幄,前則工人開山搬石,畫幅左側則有神人斫石相助,右側工人們正以各種機器鑿山開路,遠處則燒山辟徑,野獸則四處奔竄,澗水滔滔而流。全圖用筆精謹,人物神情生動。(童文娥)&*畫大禹開山治水故事。禹為治水方法,尋遍各地,一日夢神人告知得治水神書方法。大禹得書後細讀深思,又獲神仙幫助斫石疏波,治服洪水。畫中著紅衣戴冠帽者為禹,前則工人開山搬石,畫幅左側有神人斫石相助,右側工人們正以各種器具鑿山開路,遠處則燒山辟徑,野獸四處奔竄。全圖用筆精謹,人物神情生動。 謝遂,乾隆年間(西元一七三六年—一七九六年)供奉內廷,工畫人物。(20091016)&* This work shows the legendary emperor Yu the Great opening mountains and controlling floodwaters. To do so, Yu traveled the land, one day dreaming of a deity who told him of a sacred book on the subject. After getting the book, he studied it and, assisted by deities, hewed away rocks and reduced waves to control the floods. Here, the crowned figure in red is Yu as workers in front open the mountain and move rocks. To the left is a deity hewing rocks to help as workers to the right remove rocks to open a route. Up in the distance is a fire on a path as animals flee for their lives. The brushwork here is precise and the figures animated in expression. Xie Sui was a court painter under the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1736-1795) and excelled at figures.(20091016)