石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁677&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁116&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁367-368&* 唐岱(一六七三-?)滿洲正白旗人。字毓東,號靜巖,又號知生,一號默莊。官內務府總管,以畫祇候內廷。為王原祁弟子,山水沈厚深穩,得力於宋人居多。 圖繪風雨霶霈,江浪洶湧中,一舟滿載乘客,急於歸航之景。不論是大筆揮灑出的雨勢,抑細筆描畫柳枝、蘆葦的傾趨,畫家皆成功地將自然界中強風驟雨之景象顯現在畫面上。尤以船夫抵著風雨,奮力撐篙。乘客持板、傘,欲獲庇擋之態,更是刻劃入微,生動如活。 &*Returning Boat Amidst Rain and Wind T’ang Tai (1673-?) Ch’ing Dynasty T’ang Tai was a native of Manchuria, member of the Cheng-pai banner. His style name was Yü-tung, and sobriquets Ching-yen, Chih-sheng, and Mo-chuang. T’ang acted as superintendent of the Imperial Household Department, and served directly as a painter to the Emperor in the Inner Court. A student of Wang Yüan-ch’i, his landscape scenes are imbued with a remote and profoundly dignified air that was most heavily influenced by the Sung dynasty masters. This scene depicts a vessel loaded with passengers, hastening on a return voyage through torrential rains and turbulent waves. Whether by rendering sheets of spattering rain with a large brush in order to describe gracefully bending willow branches and reeds, the artist has successfully described a scene of harsh wind and heavy, beating rain that is a true-to-life portrayal of natural phenomenon. The viewer appreciates the strength of nature through the boatman bent beneath the force of the elements while struggling to pole the boat. The details of the passengers, one clutching a large board over his head and several huddling under one umbrella, and their expressions as they head for shelter, make the painting appear even more lively.